script: profile.html
purpose: this is the html file that handles most of the look of the users profile. profile.php in the
includes folder also handles some.
copyright: copyright 2005-2008 phpArcadeScript. All Rights Reserved. You may modify this file for use on your
site running a licenced copy of phpArcadeScript.
You must not distribute this file or derivations of it.
support: www.phparcadescript.com
My Mood :
Total Games Played:
Avg. Games Per Day:
Join Date:
Oct 08 2010
Gender :
Birthday :
Nov 30 -0001
Website :
Personal Message
I am 15 years old i am from northern Ireland i go to limavady high school. I have 4 horses they are called:Magic, Star, Diablo and Tara. I have 4 dogs and they are called:Toby, Tia, Pippin and Marley. I have 2 cats and they are called Jess and Princess. I have 3 sisters and they are called: Vivian, Rachael and Megan. I have 3 brothers and they are called:Adam, Conlan and Aaron. My mum is called Patricia and my dad is called Daniel.